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Generating code

A Protobuf schema is a simple file that describes a service, its methods (APIs), and their request/response types:

syntax = "proto3";

package connectrpc.eliza.v1;

message SayRequest {
string sentence = 1;

message SayResponse {
string sentence = 1;

service ElizaService {
rpc Say(SayRequest) returns (SayResponse) {}

A fully documented version of the above definition can be seen in the Buf Schema Registry (BSR).

The rpc keyword stands for Remote Procedure Call — an API method that can be invoked remotely. The schema is a contract between the server and client, and it precisely defines how data is exchanged.

The schema comes to life by generating code. For the server, an interface is generated, and the engineer can focus on filling the methods with business logic. For the client, there really isn't anything more to do — the engineer can simply call the client methods, rely on the generated types for compile-time type-safety and serialization, and focus on the application logic.

Remote plugins

Note: The example in the tutorial covers much of this section's content.

Protobuf plugins are executables that accept .proto file inputs and generate various outputs (.kt files in this case). Performing generation on a remote machine makes local setup easier and allows the generation to take place in an isolated environment. We'll use Buf, a modern replacement for Google's protobuf compiler, along with remote plugins.

This requires installing Buf's CLI:

brew install bufbuild/buf/buf

When developing a new project, 2 new files need to be created:

The first file, buf.yaml, can be created by running:

buf mod init

The second file, buf.gen.yaml, needs to be created manually and specifies which plugins should be used to generate code. An example of this file is shown below:

version: v1
- plugin:
out: generated
- plugin:
out: generated

This file specifies that the Connect-Kotlin plugin outputs should be placed in the generated directory. This plugin is responsible for generating .kt files which contain Kotlin interfaces and their corresponding implementations from the defined service and rpc types in Protobuf files.

The config also includes the protocolbuffers/java plugin with another set of options that place its .java outputs in the same generated directory. This plugin generates models from Protobuf types such as message and enum.

Together, the two plugins generate all the needed code.

Details on configuring plugins in buf.gen.yaml may be found in the documentation, and the full list of available remote plugins are found here.

With these configuration files in place, to generate code execute the following command:

buf generate

Given the above config and example eliza.proto file, there should now be some generated files in the generated directory:

└── connectrpc
└── eliza
└── v1
├── ElizaServiceClient.kt
├── ElizaServiceClientInterface.kt

Using generated code

Generate directly into a specified directory for a Gradle project.

The generated code depends on both the Connect and Google Java protobuf libraries. Add these dependencies through following these steps in the Getting started tutorial.

For guidance on how to call the generated code, see the documentation for using clients.

Generation options

The following generation options can be combined in the opt field of the buf.gen.yaml file to customize outputs:

generateCallbackMethodsBooleanfalseNoGenerate callback signatures for unary methods.
generateCoroutineMethodsBooleantrueNoGenerate suspend signatures for unary methods.