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Similar to the familiar "404 Not Found" and "500 Internal Server Error" status codes you may have seen in HTTP, Connect uses a set of 16 error codes. The Go APIs for creating and inspecting errors work identically for all three supported protocols: gRPC, gRPC-Web, and the Connect protocol.

Working with errors

At their simplest, connect-go errors attach an error code to a standard Go error. The error code and the underlying error's Error() string are sent over the network to the client, which may handle different codes with different retry or fallback logic. If you're familiar with gRPC status codes, Connect's error codes use the same names and have the same semantics.

Connect handlers attach status codes to errors using the NewError function. Handlers should return coded errors; if they don't, Connect will use the deadline_exceeded code for context.DeadlineExceeded, canceled for context.Canceled, and unknown for all other errors. For example:

func (s *greetServer) Greet(
ctx context.Context,
req *connect.Request[greetv1.GreetRequest],
) (*connect.Response[greetv1.GreetResponse], error) {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err // automatically coded correctly
if err := validateGreetRequest(req.Msg); err != nil {
return nil, connect.NewError(connect.CodeInvalidArgument, err)
greeting, err := doGreetWork(ctx, req.Msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, connect.NewError(connect.CodeUnknown, err)
return connect.NewResponse(&greetv1.GreetResponse{
Greeting: greeting,
}), nil

Regardless of the protocol in use, Connect clients automatically unmarshal response data into a standard Go error. Use Connect's CodeOf function and the standard library's errors.As to inspect errors:

client := greetv1connect.NewGreetServiceClient(
_, err := client.Greet(
if err != nil {
if connectErr := new(connect.Error); errors.As(err, &connectErr) {

These APIs work for all three supported protocols, even if the server isn't built with Connect.

Error Details

Like grpc-go, connect-go allows servers to enrich errors with more than just a code and a string. Since Connect focuses on schema-first APIs, this additional data called error details is a slice of Protobuf messages wrapped in the ErrorDetail type. Details are commonly used to send backoff parameters for transient failures, localized error messages, or other structured data. The package contains a variety of Protobuf messages often used as error details. Regardless of the RPC protocol in use, servers can add details to any *Error:

package example

import (


func newTransientError() error {
err := connect.NewError(
errors.New("overloaded: back off and retry"),
retryInfo := &errdetails.RetryInfo{
RetryDelay: durationpb.New(10*time.Second),
if detail, detailErr := connect.NewErrorDetail(retryInfo); detailErr == nil {
return err

Clients receive error details as a slice of *ErrorDetail, which they must inspect to find any details of interest:

package example

import (


func extractRetryInfo(err error) (*errdetails.RetryInfo, bool) {
var connectErr *connect.Error
if !errors.As(err, &connectErr) {
return nil, false
for _, detail := range connectErr.Details() {
msg, valueErr := detail.Value()
if valueErr != nil {
// Usually, errors here mean that we don't have the schema for this
// Protobuf message.
if retryInfo, ok := msg.(*errdetails.RetryInfo); ok {
return retryInfo, true
return nil, false

Error details work best if they're limited to a small set of stable types used by all APIs within your organization. Used sparingly, they're safer, more extensible, and more efficient than ad-hoc HTTP header microformats.

Again, the handler and client APIs for working with error details work the same for gRPC, gRPC-Web, and the Connect protocol.

HTTP representation

While the Go APIs for working with errors are protocol-agnostic, each protocol produces a differently-shaped HTTP response. You can consult the gRPC HTTP/2 protocol, the gRPC-Web protocol, and the Connect protocol for details, but it's helpful to understand the broad strokes of each protocol's approach.

gRPC responses nearly always have an HTTP status of 200 OK, even when the server returns an error. The error's code and message are sent as separate HTTP trailers. The code, message, and error details are also serialized with Protobuf, base64-encoded, and put into a third HTTP trailer. This approach is the same for unary and streaming RPCs, and because trailers are part of the HTTP standard, it's theoretically possible for any HTTP library to work with the error code and message. Unfortunately, trailer support is spotty even web browsers don't support them.

gRPC-Web responses use nearly the same approach, but encode all the trailers into the last portion of the response body. This works even when clients don't support HTTP trailers, but still leaves failed responses with an HTTP 200 status code.

For unary (request-response) RPCs, the Connect protocol puts error codes, messages, and details in the response body as human-readable JSON. The response's HTTP status code is inferred from the Connect code, and is always in the 4xx or 5xx range if the RPC fails. The response body for a unary Connect error might look like this:

"code": "invalid_argument",
"message": "data cannot be empty"

For streaming RPCs, the Connect protocol handles errors similarly to gRPC-Web. This two-pronged approach sacrifices consistency between streaming and unary RPCs, but it stays as close as possible to standard HTTP semantics and works with the broadest array of HTTP libraries and tools.